Benefits of Decodable Texts


Benefits of Decodable Texts 

We’ve discussed what decodable texts are so I’m sure your next question is, ‘’What are the benefits of decodable texts?’’ 

Understanding the benefits of using decodable texts not only increases your knowledge but also encourages you to employ them in your child’s/student’s reading journey. Do not forget that the goal of the decodable text is to provide kids with lots of experience using particular phonological patterns. The freshly taught phonics pattern should be extensively stressed, and the previously taught phonics patterns should be reviewed frequently throughout the texts.

When we first present a certain phonic skill, we do so at the most fundamental and isolated level possible.  As we progress, we introduce words that follow the pattern, then phrases, sentences, and finally continuous text employing this phonics talent. This scaffolding procedure is completed by the use of carefully selected decodable text. We encourage their writing as it progresses from writing a single grapheme to isolated words and then sentences using the same kind of purposeful organization. Spelling principles are strongly reinforced when used with decodable text to demonstrate how they work. This enables kids to practise the spelling rules or phonics skills they have been explicitly taught.

The reading and writing vocabulary of your child is made up of a core group of terms. A reader grows more proficient the more sight words they know. Adding words that are stored in a student's long-term memory and are promptly recognized in reading or recalled in writing to your list of sight words in addition to irregular words also plays an important role. Your student's exposure to consistent orthographic patterns over time makes these patterns more instinctive, and pupils learn to recognize words through developing this skill. For students with dyslexia, this requires more work and frequent exposure. The use of decodable texts reinforces these ideas without confusing the child with frequent irregular or untaught phonetic patterns.

Instead of depending on illustrations or educated guesses, decodable text requires readers to exercise their decoding abilities. According to brain research, this strengthens the brain's expanding neural connections. Children who are intelligent, have a great sense of narrative, and have excellent memory are able to hide their reading difficulties. They might be quite adept at making guesses based on visual cues. When presented with multisyllabic words, text without illustrations, or solitary words, the aforementioned students frequently fail terribly. They are better able to break old patterns and apply their newly acquired techniques when they employ decodable texts.

At The Caribbean Academy for Reading Intervention and Development, we offer an Individual Reading Assistance Program that assists struggling readers to build skills in: 

  • Sight words and high-frequency words 

  • Sounds recognition 

  • Reading comprehension 

  • Letter and word recognition 

  • Phonics and phonemic awareness 

Our Reading Assistance Programme is designed to teach the foundational skills of reading to children with significant academic challenges, empowering them to achieve grade-level proficiency. Our dedicated tutors help struggling readers understand the basic mechanics of reading and help them develop critical reading skills that will help them develop a lifelong love of reading. 

Target Audience: Struggling readers between the ages of 5 years to 10 years. 

Persons interested in our Individual Reading Assistance Program can contact us at 1-868-474-9819. 

Chrystal Murray has a passion for imparting knowledge and adding value to the lives of others.

She has been an educator for over 14 years. She holds a B.A. Degree in History and Education

from the University of the West Indies (UWI). She also possesses several professional certificates in Understanding Dyslexia, Successful Educational Strategies for Children with Special Needs, and Supporting Multiple Abilities through Differentiation just to name a few. She is also certified in Counselling Youth and Children and Parenting the Adolescent. Chrystal is the Founder and Principal of two academic institutions, the Caribbean Ivy League Academy and the Caribbean Academy for Reading Intervention and Development. She founded the Caribbean Academy for Reading Intervention and Development where she works assiduously with children who have reading challenges. She also uses this platform to motivate, inspire and help build confidence in the children who are in her care.



Chrystal Murray 

Reading Interventionist 



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