
Showing posts from July, 2023

What Can Parents Do To Encourage Struggling Readers

What Can Parents Do To Encourage Struggling Readers  In our last blog post, we spoke about struggling readers and how teachers can motivate and encourage them in the classroom. Now, let’s shift to parents and what they can do at home to encourage and motivate struggling readers.  Reading success requires effort and diligence from three parties: the teacher, the student and the parent. It is important that each party knows their role in the child’s reading journey and are able to perform the tasks specific to them. So, how can parents motivate and encourage struggling readers at home?  Be supportive and encourage them to read daily. Something as simple as encouraging them to keep reading or having them read a page a day for you serves as encouragement to keep trying. This also shows the student that you care and you are supportive of their reading journey.  Provide incentives. Reading, especially for struggling readers, can be a difficult and arduous task. Provide incentives to encourag

What Can Teachers Do To Encourage Struggling Readers

  What Can Teachers Do To Encourage Struggling Readers  As a struggling reader, it can often be demotivating to continue attempting to master reading. Every day at school might be filled with feelings of worry, frustration, and guilt for the students who have difficulty reading at grade level. This may be brought on by the frustration of trying to read the information in front of them and finding it difficult, or it may simply be a result of them witnessing their friends excelling at reading. In order to inspire pupils to read, it is essential to satisfy their social and emotional needs and motivate them.  So, how do we motivate and encourage our struggling readers to keep trying? What measures can be put in place? What can teachers do? Create a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. Struggling readers may already feel intimidated and demotivated in the classroom. Creating a classroom environment that encourages learning will help them to feel motivated and have the desir

Struggling Readers : Lack of Comprehension Skills

  ‘My child has a reading problem’, this is a common yet vague complaint. Many times our children/students may be struggling readers but we’re unable to pinpoint exactly why. It is important to note that reading is made up of many components. A student can master one component and be struggling in another and this will affect their overall reading skills. The main components of reading are:  phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Now, let’s look at the scenario below.  Have you ever experienced a scenario where your child read a story or passage and you felt that their reading skills were excellent because they read fluently, but upon asking them questions about the passage, they were unable to answer? This is more common than you may think. Reading has many components and among them are fluency and comprehension. While both are important aspects of reading, they are not the same thing. You may have a child that has mastered fluency and they are able to ar