
Showing posts from March, 2023

Repeated Reading

  Repeated Reading  Have you ever read a passage once and fumbled on a lot of the words, but as you reread it the second time, you noticed that your reading was a bit better, more fluent perhaps?  What Is Repeated Reading?  Repetition of reading is a technique used in academia to improve fluency in oral reading. Students who have mastered basic word reading skills but exhibit reading fluency that is insufficient for their grade level can benefit from repeated reading. With struggling readers, it was proposed to develop decoding automaticity. In this method, students read aloud brief text passages until they achieve a predetermined level of proficiency (particular speed and accuracy goals). Repeated reading can be used with content-area texts or as part of a regular reading programme in the classroom. It can be changed to incorporate whole-group, small-group, or individual repeated-reading exercises using either unassisted or assisted techniques. The reading passages or texts for these