
Showing posts from October, 2022

What Is Dyslexia

  We’ve heard the term ‘Dyslexia’, but what does it mean? Is it that the person lacks understanding and comprehension skills? Is it that they are unable to write words properly or is it a challenge associated with reading? Let’s delve a bit deeper as we explain more about what exactly is dyslexia.  What is dyslexia?  Dyslexia is defined as difficulty learning to read that is unexpected. While dyslexia impairs an individual's ability to read quickly and automatically, as well as recall spoken words, it does not impair their inventiveness or ingenuity. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects language.   Described as "... a particular learning issue that is neurological in nature," dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. Poor spelling and decoding skills, issues with precise and/or fluent word recognition, are the main characteristics of this condition. These issues are often brought on by a phonological impairment in language, which is frequently unanticipate